InPersona and Helo for Your Health

As we age, it is crucial to not only maintain but also improve our health. Most of us go to the doctor once a year for our yearly checkup. Only going at other times throughout the year if we’re having problems. A lot has changed over the decades. Now it is possible to monitor and maintain your health using a cutting edge platform that offers numerous advantages. Get healthy with InPersona and Helo. This is a Web 3.0 platform in and of itself. InPersona is a decentralized application (DApp) created for the Vyvo Smart Chain. And it serves as the foundation for our efforts to create the first totally decentralized digital health care platform in the world. Ever wonder why each person’s healthcare plan costs are different? Your healthcare information is not secure.

Secure Your Data with Inpersona and Helo

The Helo wearable health device can be provided through us here, which Mines Cryptocurrency (money) that really uses your heartbeat to do so. This is much like the Fitbit, Garmin and Apple watches. You use this device to track your vitals and your health data is stored safely on the Vyvo Smart Chain, a part of the wider Blockchain. Yes, the information is YOURS TO KEEP in a Data NFT (non-fungible token).

To understand more about NFTs, you might start with our overview of them here.

When you use your Fitbit, Garmin or any other health device your information goes up for sale. It helps companies such as insurance and pharmacy companies get theories on how each of us exercise or deal with weight loss, heart disease or diabetes. We give them unknowing permission to sell our data to numerous companies for research purposes or medical studies. Ok fine, but the rest is sold to entities like insurance providers and so forth. Who can now charge you more.

The mere fact that we use their gadgets shouldn’t give them the right to sell our information. Nevertheless, there are no laws or regulations governing the gathering and sale of personal health information. Companies gather this information and receive payment for your data. So take control of your health data and prevent the big technical companies from selling it without you getting any compensation from it. What benefit should they get from YOUR health information? How much money did you make from that sale of your data?

Here is a Quick Overview of InPersona

Your Health Data Privacy is Important with Inpersona and Helo

Before moving on, let’s first figure out the importance of preserving personal information and why it is so important. Nowadays, it is crucial to safeguard and maintain the privacy of our personal information. Our medical history and health records are of the utmost importance. Even if they are using it for research, do you really want your personal health information floating around out there? Who knows how your information will be used in the future. Do you realize how much data an app on your phone collects about you when you use it? Just talking about, say, diabetes gives you a bombardment of ads and so forth next time you go to Google something.

Inpersona and Helo are here to help you in Many Ways!

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem! You can compile YOUR OWN health and medical data by using a Helo gadget with Inpersona. Money will truly be mined from your heartbeat. Even better is the fact that the obtained data is stored in a Data-NFT. The blockchain securely stores proof of ownership, which is always available for you.

Say you need to let your doctor know what your heartrate and/or blood pressure are. It’s right on your Helo device. Just get on a Zoom doctor video call and you can provide them with all your vitals. No need to go to the doctors office. So, yes, you have complete control over all the information pertaining to your health and treatment. Furthermore, you will earn bitcoin through a process called “mining” where your data remains anonymous and you have control over who can see your information. And even though medical research will ultimately benefit all of us, you will continue to own it. Web 3.0 is just getting started, and you now have the ability to manage your own data.

So What Are You Waiting For?

Why are you dragging your feet? Get started right away and take control of your health and health data. And you can earn a profit from your data with Inpersona and your Helo device. So get going by covering the essential steps. We will cover each technique in further detail in its own section below. It is critical that you use your phone at all times during these operations.

  • Receive your Invitation Code and we’ll Activate the InPersona App
  • Install the InPersona Mobile App (Available for Android and Iphone)
  • InPersona Setup and purchase NFT – this will hold your cypto wallet and NFT’s.
  • You can choose your device (free of charge) when you buy a data NFT.
  • You will use the Helo Device Configuration page immediately upon receipt of the device below.

The instructions here are meant for brand-new users who have never previously set up a Vyvo watch. If you already own a watch, some of these instructions may not be necessary. Also, they are created for readers who might have no prior knowledge of the bitcoin market.

First; Get Your Individualized Invitation Code

Before we can add you to our group and start sharing our pooled health data, you’ll need an invite code. Please get in touch with me to get your invitation code. It is valid for a year from the time you get the code.

I can provide you with an invite code when you send an email with the subject “InPersona Invitation Code Request” to:

Second; Download the InPersona App

Begin by downloading and installing the InPersona dApp from your phone’s App Store.

Third; It’s Time to Set up The Inpersona App

Are you ready to begin? We now have all of the information. Let’s get you set up.

It is critical to remember that while building the wallet, there will be some information that you will need to write down AND keep secure. If you lose access to this cryptocurrency wallet, recovering the funds will be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible.

Create an account for yourself

  1. Open the InPersona app and select “Create new account” from the drop-down menu.
  2. Copy the invitation code, then paste it into the box labeled “Invitation Code.”
  3. Your must enter your email address next, and create a password. Confirm your password. You can select “Register” once you have read the Terms & Conditions.

Click “Create New Wallet” to go to the next stage in the procedure now that you have an account. Your VSC coins will accrue in this wallet as your heartbeat and other health metrics mine the cryptocurrency. They will give the awards out in USDV which you can transfer between accounts.

Create Your Wallet

  1. You’ll need to come up with a name for your wallet. Also, you may make it into anything you want, like “Jane’s Wallet.” In order to remember the name, write it down on paper.
  2. Following that, you will see some text telling you to keep your PIN code and passphrase safe. Verify it by selecting the box.
  3. The following page contains the password, which consists of twelve distinct words. But, just like when entering passwords, every word is concealed.
  4. ==THIS IS IMPORTANT== After scrolling down a little, you’ll notice “reveal pass” in the next box. To view your pass phrase, keep pushing and holding this button. You can take a screen shot and write down the steps exactly as they appear on the screen (case sensitive). It is ESSENTIAL that you keep this information private and do not share it with anyone else.
  5. You must validate your pass phrase as many times as necessary after ensuring that you write it down in the PRECISE order that it should be. THEN you may proceed.
  6. Then, in the app, re-verify each of the 12 words that comprise your pass phrase in the correct order. Your passphrase will include a total of 12 words. Before you continue, you must select the one word from your pass phrase that corresponds to the three presented to you.
  7. Finally, you will need to generate a PIN with 8 digits. You must also keep this in a secure location.

Congratulations! You now equipped with a cryptocurrency wallet.

Purchase Your NFT

The next task is to buy your Data NFT, which you can easily accomplish through the InPersona app.

  1. Choose the third icon from the left, located at the bottom of the InPersona app. It is a sphere or a circle. Go to the “in App” browser. Buy your NFT here.
  2. Look for the words “DApp Browser” at the top of the screen. A place to insert the site URL is located beneath it. Enter “” and press “Go.” The box could already be filled in depending on your type of phone. If so, all you have to do is click “Go.”
  3. The selection of NFTs that are for sale are on the next page. For best results choose DATA-NFT LEVEL 3 if still available.
  4. After you choose your NFT and scroll down, “Purchase Now” will appear.
  5. If you have a voucher to use once you get to the following page (you might not), look for it there and select it. Then click “Apply” after pasting the coupon code into the box.
  6. Then, pick “Continue” by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
  7. After reviewing your order, click “Complete Purchase” at the bottom.
  8. Your NFT will start to be created once the next page acknowledges that the purchase has been completed.

The NFT might need a few seconds to mint. After completion, the status will update. Click the “X” in the top right corner to exit the DApp Browser.

Congratulations! Your new NFT should now be displayed on the InPersona app’s home page. To be able to see it, you may need to wait a few minutes or just log out and then log back in.

Choose Your Device

You will also receive an email from InPersona after purchasing a Data-NFT Level 1 or higher that will include a “Free Voucher” for your free Helo device. Then just follow the email’s directions.

InPersona and Helo devices
  1. To continue, visit or click the email’s link. The top right corner of the screen is where the SHOP button is.
  2. Next, in the top right corner of the screen, select “Sign In.” Use the email address you used to sign up for the inPersona app here.
  3. In order to receive a one-time password, just click Obtain OTP. The password will then go to your email and expire in two minutes.
  4. Look for a message from Helo Health Ltd with the subject “OTP for Login” in your inbox. After entering your email’s password, click “Verify OTP.”
  5. The SHOP button sits in the upper right corner of the screen.
  6. Scroll down and pick your device, then click “Buy Now.” You’ll then be taken to the payment page.
  7. To finish the checkout, enter your information and adhere to the instructions on the screen. There should be a place for you to enter your promo code.

After you finish the purchase process, your device will be mailed to you! After obtaining your Helo device, you can go to the Helo Device Setup page. The instructions for connecting and starting everything are included there.

If you have any issues…

I’m sure you’re already aware that using technology isn’t always that simple. Like with anything else in the new technological industry, there are bound to be some problems. But as we all know, this is not unusual. We do, however, have a terrific support team to help you with any issues you may come across. But please be patient with them, as this is a new technology for all of us. Several of the minor issues that we have noticed have corrected themselves over time. But if you really do need some help:

When you fill out the form, include your email, subject, a description of the problem, and any support language that may apply. You should also include any images or other visual aids to maybe help them understand the problem a little better.

  1. At the top left corner of the InPersona app, tap your name.
  2. Choose “Help”
  3. At the top right corner, three nearly unreadable green lines should be seen. Tap on them.
  4. Then, select “Submit a Request.”
  5. When you fill out the form, include your email, subject, a description of the problem, and any support language that may apply. You should also include any images or other visual aids to maybe help them understand the problem a little better.
  6. Click the “Submit” button.
  7. Please be patient as each request could take some time. Generally speaking, unless it has been a long time, PLEASE DO NOT open another ticket for the same issue!

Helo and InPersona Celebration!

Let others know about our community so that they may enjoy the excitement along with us! The party starts now. Invite your friends and family to join us and take part in the wealth creation when you get a Data-NFT Level 1 or higher.

  1. By clicking the share button in the lower right corner of the InPersona app.
  2. There are three tabs at the top of the screen: Personal, Community and Hubs.
  3. Choose “Hubs.”
  4. Then there will be two bars, one with Hub A and the other with Hub B, with a plus (+) sign to the right of each.
  5. You are now able to ask for an Invitation code by clicking the addition (+) icon for either hub.
  6. Then you want to share the code and extend an invitation once it has been generated.

Similar to how you needed a special invitation code when you initially started, each invitee needs one also.

The Many Advantages of Using Helo Devices and InPersona

The opportunity to track your progress that will occur when you make other healthy lifestyle choices is the most significant advantage. Like when you increase exercise, start eating better. You can also evaluate the efficiency of some of the prescription medications, vitamins, and/or nutritional supplements you are using, etc. with your Inpersona dapp and Helo device. For example.

  • Engaging in regular exercise. Then monitor your sleep, heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels over time and you will see measurable improvements..
  • Shedding pounds. You’ll lose weight and inches, but you’ll also observe changes in your health markers, which your Helo gadget can track.
  • Nutritional add-ons. You will also be able to evaluate the efficiency of some of the prescription medications, vitamins, and/or nutritional supplements you are using. We have a few suggestions for some first rate supplements.
  • The Guardian feature. When you turn this feature on, you can be notified of abnormal heartbeats, AFib, and even falls.
  • Does consuming wine harm or help? According to studies, a daily glass of red wine can lower blood pressure, boost energy, and reduce stress. These results can also be monitored and observed over time. And drinking a Fine Wine made without additives is preferable

This is just the beginning. For scientists to conduct research and develop treatments for various illnesses, data is necessary. While also benefiting the rest of the world and protecting our data. So, you’re helping yourself, and earning money, and helping research. Get your InPersona app and Helo device today to take control of your Health and Health data!

We are Available for Contact Regarding This
(or anything on this Community Information System)